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Welcome to our Program

Welcome to the Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative’s Won’t You Bee My Neighbor program! Established in May of 2024, this neighborhood pollinator program was designed with smaller landscapes in mind. 

Our goal is to provide patches of suitable habitat to combat the loss of our native birds and pollinators. By creating “pit stops” for migrating species, we can provide them with enough energy and safe havens to get them from one area to the next. 


Our motto is, “All you can, where you can!” as small changes can lead to a big difference. We want you to join in and choose native plants during your next seasonal planting.

To get started, just follow our guidelines listed in the program application.

Program Resources

OPHI would like to thank its core partners...
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The Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative (OPHI) is a 501(c)(3) tax‐exempt organization. All donations are tax‐deductible to the full extent of the law. OPHI federal tax ID: 87-2635860

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