About Us

Pollinators are in trouble. Many species of bees and butterflies have declined in recent decades due to habitat loss and other factors such as the spread of diseases and overuse of pesticides. Several species of pollinators have vanished from Ohio altogether, while monarch butterfly populations have plummeted to alarmingly low levels. Poor health of managed honeybees and declines in native pollinator populations are other critical issues also linked to the decline of pollinator habitat.
Why does this issue matter? Pollinators are critical to ecosystems in Ohio and around the world - about 85% of the world's flowering plants rely on pollinators. Meanwhile, people need the ecosystem services that pollinators provide. About one third of our worldwide food crops rely on pollinators. Pollinating insects move pollen from plant to plant, which is necessary for apples, almonds, and many other fruits and vegetables to bear fruit.
What are we doing? The Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative began in 2015 as a grassroots effort to inform citizens, landowners, farmers, and government agencies about the importance of pollinators and the habitat they need to survive. Today, OPHI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to to provide education, outreach, and technical assistance to all who have an interest in pollinators and protecting our food supply. We also help create and improve habitat for pollinators throughout the state.
What can I do? At OPHI, we believe that if you're interested in pollinator conservation, it doesn't matter where you're from, what your background is, or what resources you have. If you're willing to do a little bit of work – "all you can, where you can" – that's all that matters. Contact us to get involved!
The constitution and bylaws of the Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiatives can be downloaded here.

Our Partners
The Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative is a collaborative effort.
The Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative is a partnership made up of agencies, nonprofits and businesses working together to improve and create pollinator habitat and raise awareness about pollinators in Ohio. We are thankful for our many partners and the great work we are achieving together! Visit our partners' websites to find resources and learn more about their organizations' efforts.
Adams Soil and Water Conservation District
Appalachia Preserve System
Belmont Soil and Water Conservation District
Blue Owl Garden Emporium LLC
Bowling Green Parks and Recreation Department
Brown County Soil and Water Conservation District
Bumble Buddies
C-TEC P.L.A.N.T Program
Cincinnati Nature Center
City of Columbus Watershed Management
Cleveland Metroparks
Cleveland Seed Bank
Columbiana Soil and Water Conservation District
Columbus Audubon Chapter
Crane Hallow Preserve
Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District
Fairfield Soil and Water Conservation District
FDC Enterprises Inc.
First Energy
Flora - Quest
Franklin Park Conservatory
Friends of Lower Muskingum River
Girl Scout Troop #134
Grange Insurance Audubon Center
Green Columbus
Greene County Parks & Trails
Guernsey Soil and Water Conservation District
Hamilton Co. Soil and Water Conservation District
Holden Arboretum
Knox County Soil and Water Conservation District
Licking Co. Soil and Water
Marianist Environmental Education Center
Medina County Soil and Water Conservation District
Meigs Co. Soil and Water Conservation District
Metroparks Toledo
Miami Valley Bee Keeping Association
Miami University
Monarch Joint Venture
Muskingum Soil and Water Conservation District
National Whitetail Deer Education Foundation
National Wild Turkey Federation Shady Hollow
Natural Areas
OBCDC Greenspace Committee
Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative
Ohio Department of Agriculture
Ohio Division of Natural Areas & Preserves
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
Ohio Environmental Council
Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts
Ohio History Connection
Ohio Prairie Association
Ohio Prairie Nursery Ltd.
Ohio State Auglaize County Extension
Ohio State Bee Keepers Association
OSU - Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Program
OSU Extension - Hamilton County
OSU Extension - MGVs Coshocton
OSU Extension - Summit
Pollinator Partnership
Pollinator Stewardship Council
Procter Camp & Conference Center
Propolis Project, LLC Levin Family Foundation
Richland Soil and Water Conservation District
Ross County Soil and Water Conservation
Scioto Co. Soil and Water Conservation District
Scioto Valley Beekeepers Association
Seneca Conservation District
Source of Life Organics
STAR Community Justice Center
Stratford Ecological Center
The Common Milkweed
The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy - Oak Openings Program
The Toledo Zoo
The Wilderness Center
The Wilds
The Working Garden Studio
The Xerces Society For Invertebrate Conservation
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers C.J. Brown Dam and Reservoir -Visitor Center
Union Soil and Water Conservation District
University Of Mount Union
Western Reserve Land Conservancy
Williams Company